A professional figure skater is bullied for talking to the ghost of a former friend while learning to compete without her.
The main character of 'Thin Ice' is a figure skater girl. Her role is supported by a ghost friend and a mean girl. To find out their character-traits, scroll over the images!
Age: 21 years old
Gender: Female
Fears: Losing loved ones
Strength: Dependable
Weakness: Insecure
Talent: Figure Skating
Age: deceased
Gender: Female
Fears: Leaving
Strength: Optimistic
Weakness: Pretentious
Only visible on the ice
Age: 23 years old
Gender: Female
Fears: Losing
Strength: Persuasion
This movie is about finding strength within yourself and letting go ghost of the past.
When her best friend and skating buddy died, GIRL makes her up in her mind every time she enters the rink. Her invisible buddy will always follow her. However, the presence of this ghost is a distraction for GIRL and she has to learn that her best friend will always be with her. Visible or not. Her strength is in herself.
GIRL makes herself ready to start training for her competition.
GIRL touches her necklace and her skating buddy appears on the ice.
GIRL they skate away together, without fear.
GIRL tries to ignore it, but falls down instead.
A mean girl distracts GIRL from her training.
She looks up for her skating buddy (ghost friend). Who appears again when GIRL touches her necklace.
GIRL is mad because she failed and tells her buddy to go away.
The buddy (ghost friend) leaves, but now GIRL is alone.
GIRL is watching an old video of her and her buddy when she was still with her (alive).
GIRL misses her friend and thinks she can't compete without her.
On her way to the rink the mean girl makes GIRL scared again.
GIRL tries to put it behind her.
GIRL starts her competition.
GIRL notices she really can do it alone and her buddy is in her heart.
The title is Thin Ice as a wordplay on being thin-skinned and ice skating.
It’s a combination between ‘Rites of Passage’ and ‘Buddy Love’. The hero does undergo a transition in which they have to accept a hard truth and make a change within themselves instead of the world around them. However, they realize this truth with the help of someone else and without that person they might not have. So, the hero needs the qualities of the counterpart to become complete. An inspirational movie is ‘I Still See You’.
The lead character is ‘The innocent’-type. They’re pure, wholesome and full of virtue. They’re endearing to others with their enthusiastic sense of wonder and positive energy. However, they depend too much on others and they’re blind to their own weaknesses.
Primal Goal
The hero’s goal is to be unconditionally loved and accepted, not just by others, but by themselves. They want to find peace with the idea of being who they want to be and doing what they want to do, no matter what people say about them. Also, they want to get over their feeling of grief and move on from the past, because that’s what they need and what the deceased would want.
A twenty-one-year-old figure skater is haunted by the ghost of her friend and gets bullied by other people for talking to her. The two things combined result in her losing focus and she takes her frustration out on her friend, who disappears. Regretting her decision, she watches a video she and her friend made before she died and is realizes even in death her friend supports her. This helps her regain the strength to complete her competition.
The story is about accepting who you are and what your interests are without letting the opinions of others influence you. It also tackles the topic of grief and how a situation like that could paralyze us – make us doubt ourselves. However, it shouldn’t. You just need to remember the good times and remind yourself to keep going.
Film Analysis
The protagonist is sensitive high school student Veronica played by Bella Thorne.
Her archetype is a combination of the rebel and the explorer. Veronica appears as a bit edgy with her unnatural black hair and definitely stands her ground against people she doesn’t like. She’s smart and resourceful, and most of all curious. However, she’s not violent or unstable. She’s searching for answers and doesn’t care if she has to break the rules for it.
The conflict is that Veronica is stalked by a ghost who tries to hurt her, and she has to find answers to save herself from him.
The antagonist is sullen ghost slash stalker Brian played by Thomas Elms.
The logline is a decade after a deadly explosion, a high school student walking among ghosts meets a shadowy boy who blurs the line between the living and the dead.
The premise is a timely story about the perils of trusting the wrong men, but also a subtly expressed perspective on the different ways people deal with grief while being literally haunted by the ghosts of their deceased loved ones.
The hero’s journey is that Veronica starts off as a person who isolates herself to someone who is more open and trusting towards the people that love her.
The inspiration is the part about ghosts haunting the living and using signs to warn them about danger or help them find answers.